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Purim This Year

03/21/2024 02:27:54 PM


Beth David Syngaogue

During Purim this year we are giving back to organizations in Greensboro and Israel that focus on food insecurity. Some of the groups may be familiar while others may be new to you. The two philanthropies in Israel are Leket and The Jaffa Institute. Both programs have seen needs grow exponentially since October 7. Locally, we will be donating to the Guilford County Schools lunch program. 

The Jaffa Institute is a private nonprofit organization that assists severely disadvantaged children and their families living in impoverished neighborhoods in Israel, including in Greater Tel Aviv-Jaffa and Bet Shemesh. Their vision is to create a community in which children are nourished, educated and supported so that they become strong contributors to Israeli society.

Leket Israel, Israel’s National Food Bank, is the leading food rescue organization in Israel. Unique among all other organizations that serve the poor in Israel and food banks worldwide, Leket Israel’s sole focus is rescuing healthy, surplus food and delivering it to those in need through partner nonprofit organizations. Leket Israel is committed to rescuing and distributing fresh agricultural produce and nutritious meals around Israel.

In Guilford County, just under 50% of students in are eligible to participate in the federal free and reduced price meal program. Our contribution will help defray the costs of feeding local students.

Fri, September 20 2024 17 Elul 5784