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Beth David Hebrew School Registration Form 2024-2025

 Hebrew School Registration 5785 | 2024-2025                        
Classes will be held on Wednesdays from 4:30-6pm
 Family Contact Information                                                       

 Student Enrollment                                                                    
 Student 1 Information                                                                                           
Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?
 Student 2 Information                                                                                           
Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?
 Student 3 Information                                                                                           
Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?

 Release Forms                                                                           
My child has permission to ride in private automobiles of faculty, parents and friends to and from school field trips and I hereby release the school/synagogue and all such drivers from any and all liabilities incurred by reason or injury to our child while being transported by such means. I understand that I will receive notice and sign a permission slip for any such trips. Further, in the event that I can’t be reached in any emergency, I hereby give permission to Beth David Synagogue personnel to seek medical treatment as needed. 
I am aware that pictures of my child may be taken at Beth David Religious School and at other synagogue related events. 
I give permission for pictures to be used by Beth David Synagogue for the synagogue bulletin/website and other social media sites. The pictures will be used for the purpose of illustrating the activities affiliated with both the school and the synagogue. Children will not be identified by name and names will not be posted. 

 Payment Options                                                                        
Tuition for our Hebrew School (2nd - 7th grade) is $300. 
There are many impediments to Jewish education but finances should never be one.  We ask that every family commits to some financial contribution, however, we are very happy to discuss financial aid options for any dues-paying family that may require tuition assistance. Please contact Corie Hampton, Executive Director, for
 a confidential conversation.
Fri, October 11 2024 9 Tishrei 5785